Child Psychiatrist

Child Psychiatrist in Hyderabad

Why LikeMinds?

  • Growing kid’s mental issues as a result of modern lifestyle, cultural, and technological developments
  • Delayed diagnosis and treatment as a result of parents’ ignorance
famous psychiatrist hyderabad
  • Very few psychiatrists have clinical experience treating children’s mental health issues.
  • If not addressed, it significantly negatively influences a child’s career and future.
  • Multidisciplinary services for addressing children’s psychological issues are needed but are severely lacking.

Issues we deal with

  • Hyperactive Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
  • Spectrum disorders in autism
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Behavior Disorders
  • Disorders of learning, educational lag, school refusal, malnutrition, and
  • Eating disorders
  • Children’s Psychosis, Anxiety, and OCD

Issues we deal with

  • Hyperactive Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
  • Spectrum disorders in autism
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Behavior Disorders
  • Disorders of learning, educational lag, school refusal, malnutrition, and
  • Eating disorders
  • Children’s Psychosis, Anxiety, and OCD

Our Goal

  • To educate the public about the numerous child mental diseases and the severity of their treatment needs.
  • To offer the greatest child and adolescent mental health treatment possible with compassion, understanding, and commitment
  • By assisting and giving young minds essential care from an early age, we can create a better society.